Multiple sclerosis (MS) - this diagnosis probably came as a complete surprise. You are afraid that everything will be different from now on? Certainly, MS is a great challenge. But it is possible to lead a self-determined life despite MS. MS can be accompanied by very different symptoms - depending on which nerves are affected. Many of these symptoms can be treated specifically and the well-being can be improved as a result. For the treatment of most symptoms, there are also concrete non-drug measures that can alleviate discomfort. In addition to the therapy and treatment options, the podcast is also dedicated to the progression of the disease and the possible relief offers.
As @chronischfabelhaft, Samira Mousa blogs about her everyday life with MS. She shows one thing above all: life can be damn good even with a chronic disease and despite health setbacks.
In the new episode of our KKH - famPLUS podcast, Samira is a guest, gives suggestions and talks about how important your own attitude is when dealing with the diagnosis of MS.
Also in the episode: Dr Schipper from the @dmsg_nordrheinwestfalen with lots of valuable information. It turned out to be a great episode.
Click here to listen to the podcast.
famPLUS - Together for your personal PLUS!