famPLUS care expert as guest on the Audi employee podcast
In the new episode of the Audi employee podcast, in collaboration with cooperation partner famPLUS, the topic this time is "Reconciling work and family".
Because when your partner, your parents or your own child becomes a carer, it usually catches you cold. "How do I reconcile this with my job? What costs will I incur?" Such difficult questions run through your mind and threaten to become an overwhelming burden.
But to make sure that doesn't happen, you should seek professional help.
This is where Audi offers its employees valuable support with questions and concerns about care through its cooperation partner famPLUS. The expert advisors of the famPLUS team quickly and confidentially take care of all worries and problems regarding the need for care, the search for a place in a home, health care proxy and so on.
In the podcast, we find out exactly what such counselling by famPLUS can look like. Audience member Tanja describes her experiences and gives an insight into how life with a father in need of care and a job can work and which support services have helped her in this situation.
Care expert Johannes Winklmair from famPLUS explains how he and his colleagues can be reached, what the first steps are when an Audi employee contacts famPLUS, and gives examples of typical questions from the consultations.
So if you ask yourself from time to time how work and family life can be reconciled and what support options are available in the event of a care case in your personal environment, you should definitely listen to the podcast!
Follow the link here to go directly to the episode.
Have fun listening!